Wednesday, February 17, 2010

ON Some REAL Shit!!

YO what it do my people?? Well I've come to a decision about a few things in my tattoo career. First If you  just want a random tattoo.DONT Fuck WITH ME For real! Sorry we got to get grown with this for real. I do my best not to waste peoples time. Im busy for a reason. If you want some cheap flash or just want too feel the needle for some random reason go to a random tattoo spot! For Real !!If you want some original art work contact me asap not just for big tattoos but quality pieces. Concept work ,Real themes ,cultural,traditional whatever as long as it is a quality piece. Lets get to work people no room or time for random shit. No don't Get me wrong I don't mind working on small pieces at all. Just don't expect me to rush thru a sleeve piece to do your Name and heart on your neck get it! I just think if people thought like this alot more folks would walk around with better work on them!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm Back!!!!!

Hey TatStars Been real busy with the shop and this crazy thing called Life! But Im Back To Tell my Point of View!! Got a New Direction and Focus!!

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